Day five of this voyage was a very rough one at sea. The winds were quite strong and the waves got up to 12 feet in height. According to my kennel master Dayle, this was nothing. Apparently, the waves got up to 25 feet during the last transatlantic trip. I’m certainly glad I wasn’t on that one. I most definitely would’ve been sick more than once!
(A shot of the rough seas from the 2nd deck window...this deck is where Natalie and April played scrabble.)
Since the weather was so cold and windy, I spent a good part of the day hanging out in the inside playroom with Natalie and April, the rest of the dogs and their owners. Natalie set me up with a comfy chair where I enjoyed quite a few naps.
(Me and my comfy chair!)
Natalie and April stuck to their usual schedule, which included a workout, mid-day daiquiris and scrabble.
The evening attire was formal wear again; therefore, Natalie and April skipped the Brittania. Instead, they went to La Piazza, which is the Italian restaurant on the ship. It was pretty good, with April’s dessert being the highlight. April ordered an ice cream that was entirely covered with the silkiest meringue she ever had. Since Natalie liked April’s dessert better than her own and since April isn’t that big on dessert, Natalie ate most of it and vowed to replicate the sweet once she got to Switzerland.
After dinner, Natalie and April enjoyed cocktails at the Queen’s Room. The Queen’s Room is the equivalent of the ship’s ballroom and is quite elegant. A band was playing and people were dancing. Natalie and April weren’t up for dancing; however, they did enjoy exploring a new part of the ship.
(A ceiling shot of the Queen's Room)
After drinks, they checked out the nightclub on the ship, which was called G32. Since both Natalie and April’s ship bill was starting to climb and since they both had an exhausting day of doing nothing, they decided to just do a quick walkthrough of the G32 club and call it a night.
I, on the other hand, was bracing myself for yet another fun night in the kennels and this time with plenty of swaying to go along with it. The rough day at sea turned into a very rough and long night at sea.
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